Treat Thoracic Outlet Syndrom with Traditional Chiropractic Methods
Are you experiencing pain between your collarbone and your first rib (thoracic outlet)? Perhaps you feel pain, tingling or even numbness that shoots into the arm? If so, you may be suffering from Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. This syndrome can be difficult to diagnose and is even more difficult to treat with conventional medicine, but at Integrated Health Solutions, we are certified to administer the most modern clinical techniques to facilitate your recovery.
As part of our holistic treatment options, we help our patients by finding the source of their pain and working to eliminate the cause of injury or dysfunction. With Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, the pain can usually be traced back to a traumatic event (car accident or other notable injury), but often this pain is the result of nothing more than repetitive motion and micro-traumas which have occurred in the soft tissues over time. At Integrated Health Solutions, we will identify the cause of your TOS, develop a personalized treatment plan, and work to heal the traumas causing your pain.
Treatment Options for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
While conventional medicine will likely suggest surgery or other medicated options for healing, IHS Indy will help you identify treatments which can reverse the effects of muscle and tissue damage in your thoracic area. The treatments we offer include the Active Release Technique, the Graston® Technique, traditional chiropractic methods, traditional acupuncture therapies, the dry needling technique, as well as physical rehabilitation.
Before you begin your treatment with us, the first step toward healing is to identify the cause of your pain. We accomplish this through a comprehensive exam and a Selective Functional Movement Analysis (SFMA). SFMA is a clinical method used to analyze movement and imbalances in your muscles and soft tissues. By performing this analysis, we are able to determine what steps to take to provide you with pain relief. Dr. Charbel is certified in SFMA, and uses this technique as a way to personalize treatment for each patient he sees.
Overcoming Dependency
At Integrated Health Solutions, one of our primary goals is to decrease your dependence on painkillers, prescription medication, and even long-term chiropractic care. Through a treatment plan that is tailored to your needs, we can rehabilitate your injury, work to eliminate the source of your pain, and even equip you with the tools you will need to decrease future incidents.
If you are suffering from Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, call Integrated Health Solutions and let us help you get on the road to recovery. Dr. Charbel and our team of experts can treat any type of soft tissue or muscle pain you are experiencing. Call Integrated Health Solutions today at 317.449.2020 to schedule your Selective Functional Movement Assessment.